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Oct 25, 2022

Achieving Insightful and Integrated XDR Solution with Hillstone iSource V2.0R8


Extended detection and response, or XDR, stands out as the most effective and cost-efficient option in the D&R product area. Hillstone Networks now presents our updated XDR solution – iSource version 2.0R8, which brings about maximum utilization of your 3rd-party security devices and all kinds of data you collect, providing you with an Insightful and Integrated XDR Solution.

Highlights of iSource V2.0R8

Better Visibility of Threat Events

The first and foremost step of an XDR solution is – detection, and because of this, threat events detected from Syslog, metadata, NetFlow, etc. are essential. With additional threat event overview and advanced threat event aggregation, iSource V2.0R8 better presents the threat posture to users.

Optimization for Management of Enforcement Point & Threat Sensor

What the X in XDR stands for – extended – is clearly demonstrated by the utilization of the enforcement points and threat sensors. The new release enhances the degree of extension by providing the individual sBDS perspective of threat events in addition to streamlining connections to 3rd-party firewalls with pre-defined templates for policy profiles and log parsing and SSH connection templates.

Optimization for Traffic Monitoring

Traffic monitoring centrally analyzes and reports on all network activity, exposing potential security risks. Our new release performs traffic baseline learning, which enables more accurate identification of abnormal traffic than the previous method of threshold setting. Moreover, iSource offers application monitoring as well, which better displays the usage of different applications.

Support System Logo and Title Customization

With this release, we support replacing the default logos with customized logos, and the ability to edit text and titles in the iSource browser tab, login page, and navigation column to match your organization’s branding.

To learn more about iSource V2.0R8, contact your Hillstone representative or authorized resellers.