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Apr 21, 2015

Find Threats in Minutes with Behavioral Intelligence


At this year’s RSA Conference, we’re showing the latest version of our Stone OS security platform. It combines our traditional high-performance networking with new advanced Behavioral Intelligence so that you can find and stop insider and external threats faster, often in just minutes.

Hillstone’s Behavioral Intelligence adds four technologies on top of the capabilities traditionally found in next-gen firewalls:

  • Continuous Monitoring of traffic to track network risk in real time.
  • Behavioral Analysis of users and applications to find anomalies.
  • Statistical Clustering to identify unknown variants of malware.
  • Interactive Forensics to speed up root cause analysis after attacks.


They work together, enabling you to detect threats more rapidly, visualize network-wide and per-host risk, and quickly protect against threats. We’ll have more about each of these topics in coming posts.